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As a leading global financial services company at the center of the world's financial system we touch nearly 20% of the world's investible assets. Every day around the globe, our 50,000+ employees bring the power of their perspective to the table to create solutions with our clients that benefit businesses, communities and people everywhere. We continue to be a leader in the industry, awarded as a top home for innovators and for creating an inclusive workplace. Through our unique ideas and talents, together we help make money work for the world. This is what #LifeAtBNY is all about. We're seeking a future team member for the role of Senior Associate, Corporate Communications to join our Communications team supporting BNY Investments. This role is located in New York City, NY - HYBRID. In this role, you'll make an impact in the following ways: Develop and execute proactive media programs for North America Distribution and investment firms; developing relationships with journalists across national, international, and broadcast media, as well as the financial trade press, and developing a strong understanding of the US media landscape. Support the team and network of PR agencies with in-bound and out-bound, day-to-day press engagement, helping to arrange media meetings, and brief spokespeople. Proactively identify upcoming news hooks, forward features, and themed ideas relevant to the investment landscape, adapting articles and commentary for press-friendly audiences. Craft social media and internal communications stories and support the delivery of LinkedIn activity for leading spokespeople. Contribute to the drafting and distributing of media announcements, putting together project-by-project communications plans as well as leading the maintenance of targeted media distribution lists. Oversee the delivery of finalized communications documents and content, ensuring appropriate approvals and signoffs, which includes collaborating with regional compliance and legal teams to ensure materials are compliant with regulators in the US. Media Evaluation & Reporting; support communications metrics and measurement activity; Opportunity to shape how we present our work in innovative ways, and identify ways to showcase activity internally. Partner with communications colleagues based in New York, London/Europe and Hong Kong. Build strong understanding of a leading investment management firm, collaborating with various teams in the multi-boutique network in the US. Develop a deeper understanding into each of our specialist investment firms, working closely with key spokespeople; our experienced portfolio managers and research analysts. Support the wider team with the daily responsibilities of a busy PR team and contributing creative solutions to business challenges. To be successful in this role, we're seeking the following: Bachelor's degree from an accredited university or college with a strong academic record. At least 3-6 years of PR or communications experience at a communications agency or in-house, preferably within a financial services firm or asset management environment (institutional or retail asset management). Significant experience with external outreach, with some knowledge of internal and social media. Excellent attention to detail with a dedication to accuracy, quality, and integrity. Ability to get up to speed quickly on new problems, shift gears, and manage multiple projects concurrently. Highly analytical with strong problem-solving skills and the ability to balance competing deadlines. LI-Hybrid At BNY, our culture speaks for itself. Here's a few of our awards: America's Most Innovative Companies, Fortune, 2024 World's Most Admired Companies, Fortune 2024 Human Rights Campaign Foundation, Corporate Equality Index, 100% score, 2023-2024 Best Places to Work for Disability Inclusion, Disability: IN - 100% score, 2023-2024 \u201cMost Just Companies\u201d, Just Capital and CNBC, 2024 Dow Jones Sustainability Indices, Top performing company for Sustainability, 2024 Bloomberg's Gender Equality Index (GEI), 2023 Our Benefits and Rewards: BNY offers highly competitive compensation, benefits, and wellbeing programs rooted in a strong culture of excellence and our pay-for-performance philosophy. We provide access to flexible global resources and tools for your life's journey. Focus on your health, foster your personal resilience, and reach your financial goals as a valued member of our team, along with generous paid leaves, including paid volunteer time, that can support you and your family through moments that matter. BNY is an Equal Employment Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer - Underrepresented racial and ethnic groups/Females/Individuals with Disabilities/Protected Veterans. BNY assesses market data to ensure a competitive compensation package for our employees. The base salary for this position is expected to be between $68,000 and $120,000 per year at the commencement of employment. However, base salary if hired will be determined on an individualized basis, including as to experience and market location, and is only part of the BNY total compensation package, which, depending on the position, may also include commission earnings, discretionary bonuses, short and long-term incentive packages, and Company-sponsored benefit programs. This position is at-will and the Company reserves the right to modify base salary (as well as any other discretionary payment or compensation) at any time, including for reasons related to individual performance, change in geographic location, Company or individual department/team performance, and market factors. BNY Mellon is an Equal Employment Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer. Minorities/Females/Individuals With Disabilities/Protected Veterans. Our ambition is to build the best global team - one that is representative and inclusive of the diverse talent, clients and communities we work with and serve - and to empower our team to do their best work. 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