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Engage in detailed Incident, Problem Management and Troubleshooting analyses. Maintain business and operations relationships to ensure business needs are addressed. Interface with other technology teams including Application Development and Support. Remote work may be permitted within a commutable distance from the worksite. REQUIREMENTS: Bachelor's degree, or foreign equivalent, in Computer Science, Information Technology, Computer and Information Science or a related field, and ten (10) years of experience in the job offered or in a related IT occupation. Ten (10) years of experience must include: Designing, implementing, integrating, and migrating data and providing full support for complex software in a multi-tiered, multi-platform environment; Advising specialists on areas to focus installation and support efforts; Configuration and management of enterprise storage technologies from various vendors including EMC, Pure, Netapp, VCE, Cisco and leveraging experience with providing file, block, object storage solutions to clients; Planning and supporting Critical Enterprise Disaster Recovery tests including validation and remediation of replication or configuration issues for successful testing; Designing the migration plan and strategy for Storage data migration from legacy storage systems to Modern ALL flash storage arrays; Overseeing resolution of incidents and problems within agreed service levels including classification, identification and determination of root causes and implement of remedies; Supporting code upgrades as per engineering recommendations; and Monitoring and alerting configuration for SAN, Block, File and Object storage infrastructure, Monitoring Capacity utilization and performing forecasting for storage products and working with vendors on procurement. In the alternative, the Employer will accept a Master's degree, or foreign equivalent, in Computer Science, Information Technology, Computer and Information Science or a related field and eight (8) years of experience in the job offered or in a related IT occupation. Employer will accept pre- or post- Master's degree experience. 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