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Make history. BNY Mellon offers an exciting array of future-forward careers at the intersection of business, finance and technology. We are one of the world's top asset management and banking firms that manages $2.3 trillion in assets with $45.5 trillion under custody and/or administration. Known as the \u201cbank of banks\u201d - 97% of the world's top banks work with us as we lead and serve our customers into the new era of digital.\u200b With over 239 years of rich history and industry firsts, BNY Mellon has been built upon our proven ability to evolve, lead and drive new ideas at every turn. Today, we're more than 50k+ employees across 35 countries with a culture that empowers you to grow, take risks, experiment and be yourself. Overview Securities Services and Digital (SSD) includes our Asset Servicing, Corporate Trust and Depositary Receipts businesses and Digital, an enterprise function. Asset Servicing provides global custody, fund services, integrated middle-office solutions, transfer agency, and data and analytics solutions to many of the world's largest asset managers and asset owners. The services we deliver range from the foundational \u2014 we run clients' operations \u2014 to consultative, where we orchestrate solutions that enable clients to make smarter investment decisions and serve investors better. Corporate Trust is one of the world's largest trustees for corporate, municipal, and structured credit securities, providing local and cross-border market expertise in the debt capital markets. Debt issuance enables public and private institutions to fund operations and make investments, create infrastructure, or deliver public services. As trustee or paying agent, Corporate Trust services all major debt classes, helping issuers achieve their financing goals. Depositary Receipts are securities issued for trading in any market that represent a foreign company's shares. These can be used to list on stock exchanges around the world, raise capital, and/or meet the specific needs for issuers and investors. BNY Mellon is one of the top depositary banks that can keep assets or securities on behalf of a clients. Digital is responsible for mapping our digital future by investing in digital capabilities, including analytics, artificial intelligence, machine learning, blockchain and others. Our team maximizes the impact of investments in digital capabilities, through the development of new service offerings / products as well as enhance the client experience. The team aims to accelerate the bank's innovation strategy. To run and operate each business above, our organization is reliant on a wide range of teams inclusive of: Business Development, Relationship Management, Client Service Delivery, Corporate partners (HR, Operations, Finance, Technology), etc. It is an optimal time to be a part of the SSD team as we are market leaders with strong global partnerships across the industry. We lead with innovation and trust and are committed to collaborating with our clients to transform the financial services industry for the future. A strong candidate possesses: Intellectual curiosity and self-motivation Creativity and problem-solving skills A commitment to excellence Drive to innovate Ideal Candidate Profile: Eligible candidates will have obtained their Bachelor's degree from a four-year program Candidates pursuing a 4+1 Bachelor's/Master's degree with similar graduation timelines will also be considered. Preferred subjects: Data Science, Operations Management, Statistics, Analytics, Accounting, Business and Finance academic backgrounds a plus. Minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0 or better Should not require sponsorship for employment visa status, now or in the future, in the region where they apply. BNY Mellon is an Equal Employment Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer. Minorities/Females/Individuals With Disabilities/Protected Veterans. Our ambition is to build the best global team - one that is representative and inclusive of the diverse talent, clients and communities we work with and serve - and to empower our team to do their best work. We support wellbeing and a balanced life, and offer a range of family-friendly, inclusive employment policies and employee forums. BNY Mellon is an Equal Employment Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer. Minorities/Females/Individuals With Disabilities/Protected Veterans. Our ambition is to build the best global team - one that is representative and inclusive of the diverse talent, clients and communities we work with and serve - and to empower our team to do their best work. 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